Present Truth

As we grow older, we start to see all the baggage that weighs us down, and we want to start letting go. But, then there's a dilema. Which do I keep and what do I let go? That all depends on the world view that we've developed. There are only two world views that make a real difference in our lives: either we believe in God or we don't. Yet, in the end, we start to realize that whether we want to admit it or not, we have to choose a belief because in either case, we're going to die. Who wants to die? We spend our lives collecting toys and things for what? Nothing material really has any value. The only thing of value is life... healthy, happy, secure, and peaceful life.
The Bible offers us all of this. Yet, we just put it aside. No time for God.
Well, my blog is for you. Take a minute or two to read what God has in His Word today. Ponder on It and His Word will change your life for the better!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Heaven's Declare the Glory of God!

"The heavens declare God's glory and the skies reveal His handiwork. Day after day they speak to us, and night after night they reveal God's wisdom. They do not have to speak with words or sounds, yet their voice is heard everywhere, and their words reach the ends of the earth." Ps. 19:1-3
"All things in creation look to You for help, and at the proper time you provide them with the food they need. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing." Ps. 145:15,16
God is love; and the heaven's do declare of His glory and power and love. Everything in nature demonstrates how He bestows His love upon us, though we do not deserve it. Why do I say, "we do not deserve it?" We are the only creatures on this earth that are created with reason and not instinct alone. Yet, we don't acknowledge the Creator. Yeah, we say that we believe in God. We acknowledge Him by name and word; but, do we put our money where our mouth is? Do we live by His Word and His Word alone? No! We don't. In our selfishness, we want to be in control. Therefore, we reason to ourselves, that we know what is right. Yet everything else in this world that God has created looks to Him for help. "Look at the birds. They don't worry about tomorrow's harvest, nor are they concerned about the future. Why? Because your heavenly Father takes care of them and feeds them. Aren't you worth much more to Him than a bird?" Matt. 6:26 - Do we look to God for help? Do we trust that at the proper time, He will provide us with all our needs? He is the source of life, of wisdom and of joy. If we trust in Him to meet our daily needs, we will find peace.
You may ask, "Then why do I have to work so hard?" God ordained trials and difficulties for our own good. If we just sat here waiting in gluttony for God to fulfill all our desires, we would self destruct. We would be lazy, selfish, and lack in compassion and love. Therefore, when we go through trials, our faith muscles are developed and we come to realize that God does provide. We realize how we are all part of this wonderful plan to love and serve, not only our Creator, but those around us; just like everything in nature is placed to serve others.  Let's place our trust in God. Let it not be just a few words on the dollar bill. Let it happen in our own lives. We will live all the better for it. Be blessed!

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